Summer Safety Tips: Grilling Out

As warmer weather hits, the smell of food on the grill fills the air. According to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly 9,000 home fires each year involve grills, so it’s important to brush up on barbecue safety. Consider the following grilling safety tips:

  • Grill outside only. Don’t grill in a garage, porch or other enclosed space, even if it’s ventilated.
  • Never leave your grill unattended. Fires can double in size every minute.
  • Keep children and pets at least 3 feet away from where food is being prepared or carried.
  • Clean the grill regularly. Keep it clean by removing grease or fat buildup.
  • Choose a safe location. Keep your grill on a flat surface at least 10 feet away from your house, garage or other structures.
  • Check for leaks. Make it a habit to check the gas tank hose before using it for the first time each year.

Grill Safety Infographic