How to Return to the Office After the Holidays

As wonderful as the holiday season is, it can be tiring and time-consuming, making it difficult to come back to the office after an extended period of toasting, feasting, and celebrating. Here are some great tips to help you get back into the work groove just in time for the New Year.



#1: Set Your Alarm

Chances are that over the holidays, you were keeping a different schedule than usual. You may have been staying up late with family and friends, and then getting up early to start cooking or wrap gifts. All of this can leave you feeling exhausted when it’s time to go back to work.

The best thing you can do to get back on schedule is to set your alarm and get up at the normal time. Even if it’s a struggle, get up early and try not to nap, so that you’ll be tired in the evening and be able to go to bed at your normal time (rather than in the wee hours of the morning). This should help cure any jet lag or insomnia you picked up over the holiday season.


#2: Start Slow

When you come back to the office after a few days (or weeks) off, the amount of work waiting for you may be overwhelming. Especially as the new year starts and new initiatives and projects start ramping up, you may feel that you just don’t know how or where to get started.

The best thing you can do when you first return to work is to start slow and pace yourself. Check your voicemails, check your emails, and make a list of your daily tasks. This will help you ease back into your work routine, and from there you can start tackling the big projects.


#3: Follow Up

Another great way to get back into your work routine is to follow up with co-workers. Stop by your colleague’s offices to find out how their holiday was, what they’re up to, and what projects you have that are outstanding. By stopping by to say “Hey, I just wanted to follow up with you on that report we were working on before the holidays,” you’ll have a better sense of where things are at and what you need to get started on next.


#4: Get to the Gym

Another major culprit in the post-holiday daze is the butter, sugar, and eggnog you consumed over the past few days. High doses of rich foods can wreak havoc on your body, especially if you’re not used to eating that way. Get to the gym early in the morning if you can (if not, the evening works too) to start burning off those excess calories and get your body back on track.


#5: Take the Holidays With You

Even though the holidays can be extremely busy, they are also a great time to catch up with family and friends, reflect on the year, and relax after weeks of planning and preparing. Take all the good memories from this holiday season, and use them to inspire you and build momentum for the New Year.


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